The Venue

The Jubilee Pool
Hillingdon Manor School
Harlington Road

The Jubilee Pool is owned by Mencap and is situated within the grounds of Hillingdon Manor School, which is a school for children with autism. On entry from Harlington road into the school grounds there is a car park which may be used. The car park is quite small and parking is limited. We have very good relations with the school and they have given permission for our customers to be able to park in the playground in front of the pool (gates will be open from 4pm on Monday Tuesday & Wednesdays). We have also been advised that parking along the driveway next to the horses field on entry to the school is also permitted.

There is a strict no smoking policy and ball games and use of the recreation equipment is forbidden. We must insist that the school area be treated with the utmost respect at all times and would appreciate your co-operation with this.

The pool itself was not originally built for public use but for handicapped users and their helpers. There are therefore a few areas that are a little different than in other pools. There are many handrails throughout the building and a ramp going into the pool. There is not a purpose built spectating area but we do set up chairs around the poolside so you are able to watch your childs lessons. The pool does get very warm especially in the summer months due to the pool water being kept at a temperature of 34 degrees.